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Quiz | Household Members in the Military

household members income calculations quiz Sep 22, 2021
1. If a military household member receives hazardous duty pay, this pay is included as income.
     True or False
2. What document should be requested to verify income for persons in the military?
3. A grandparent living in a unit moves in their grandchild because the parent of the child is stationed out of the country on active military duty. Both the absent adult and their child must be counted as household members, and their income added to the grandparent's income.
      True or False
4. Veteran members of a household who are students are an allowed exception to the HUD/RD/HOME student rule.
     True or False
5. Veteran members of a household who are students are an allowed exception to the LIHTC student rule.
     True or False   
Click for Answers

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