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Video | LIHTC UAs - Non-PHA

lihtc utility allowances video Nov 10, 2021

 Welcome to the return of video blog posts! Today's topic covers the timelines related to LIHTC Utility Allowances that are not based on local PHA estimates. Can you explain the 60- and 90-day periods? View the post and find out!

NOTE: like all videos on Costello University, this video is closed captioned. These are also searchable, and clicking on a searched keyword will take you to that spot in the video. Check it out!

 Looking for quality affordable housing occupancy training? Check out our Succeed at Qualifying Households series of courses. There are options for all major Affordable Housing programs. You can read more HERE.

There is a very good chance that the topic of this post is covered in an online on-demand course at Costello University.


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