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Quiz | Income Limits MTSP v AMI

home htf hud income limits lihtc quiz tax-exempt bonds Jun 22, 2022
From the below options answer questions 1 - 7 (more than one answer may apply).
 80% MTSP          80% AMI
60% MTSP          60% AMI
50% MTSP          50% AMI
40% MTSP          40% AMI
30% MTSP          30% AMI

 1.  Options for tax credit average income test properties. 
 2.  Options for tax-exempt bond properties. 
 3.  The starting point for calculating HUD Extremely Low-Income (ELI) limits. 
 4.  Used for tax credit deep rent skewed units. 
 5.  Used for both HUD and tax credit properties, these will match. 
 6.  The highest income limit for HOME units.
 7. Referred to by HUD as "very low-" and "low-income" limits.
Bonus question:
 8. The Extremely Low-Income (ELI) limits are the same for the Section 8 and national HTF programs.
      True or False
Click for Answers

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