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News | HUD releases a new list of exclusions

hotma hud news Feb 01, 2024

HUD has published a list of income exclusions that are complementary to the HOTMA regulatory exclusions.  

HOTMA 24 CFR §5.609 (b)(22) excludes income that is excluded per other federal laws but did not provide a list. Upon the publishing of the final HOTMA guidance, HUD promised a federal register that would provide an updated list. Today the list was published. HUD last published a notice that listed federally mandated exclusions from consideration of income on May 20, 2014. This notice replaces the previously published version, adds new exclusions, and removes exclusions that are now codified in HUD regulations.

The new list can be found HERE.

Our more detailed follow-up article is HERE.

Our next run of a unique HOTMA hybrid course starts in March. It covers a ton of information in digestible pieces with online on-demand and live webinar elements!

Find out more HERE or click the below image. 

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