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Video | Travelogue - Housing Credit Connect 2023 | Day 1 - Extra

travelogue Jun 13, 2023

Post from our CEO from the Seattle Hotel hosting NCSHA's Housing Credit Connect conference.

"Well, I'm checked into my hotel room here in Seattle after a long day of travel, and it's still only the morning here. Hard to believe. But I just had to share something. Today I had a conversation with a young lady that was helping me check in at the hotel here. She said, oh, affordable housing, I want to say something to you. I was like, "ooh, I don't know what this is gonna be." But then she said, "thank you!" She said she lives right across the street from...based on what she described it, I think it's probably a tax credit property. And it's next to a conventional property and she says you can't tell the difference. And the people are the same. She says it's so important for people to know that it's not...affordable housing is not like rundown trailers like it might have been when she was young. She says it's really important for people to know this. And I thought, you know, after all the effort we put in and the battles we fight with nimbyism and other things, to demonstrate that affordable housing, decent, safe, and sanitary housing that people can afford is not substandard. It's a beautiful thing that someone outside of the industry noticed and thanked us. So I'm passing on Crystal's thanks to all of you for what you do in this industry. Well, we're looking forward to the sessions coming up. It starts for the general populace tomorrow afternoon. So I think I might do a quick travelogue in the morning discussing what we think we might hear, and then we'll track it with what we do here over the next few days. So we'll look forward to our journey here together through the Housing Credit Connect conference. Bye!

- Scott Micael Dunn | CEO costello Compliance 

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Sponsored by South Dakota Housing, but good for all LIHTC professionals!

Also, check out the in-person session covering the federal HOME and NHTF programs.

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