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News | New VAWA Information from HUD

fair housing hud vawa Feb 02, 2023

Today HUD Announced New Resources for Advancing VAWA Housing Protections.

Note: significant portions of this post are adapted from HUD's announcement.

Following the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act in 2022, as discussed in our Blog HERE, HUD has produced helpful VAWA resources. These include a new website, technical assistance, and enforcement guidance. There is also a Notice setting out HUD’s enforcement authority under VAWA, and up to $5 million in funding to provide VAWA training and technical assistance to HUD grantees and other stakeholders.

HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge said in the announcement that “No one should have to choose between maintaining housing and staying safe. The Violence Against Women Act makes clear that survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking cannot be denied housing and are eligible for an emergency transfer should the need arise. We are making these protections clear on HUD’s website, so landlords are aware of our requirements and survivors know their rights.”

In the announcement HUD also reminds us that, under VAWA, applicants and tenants of certain HUD rental assistance programs may not be denied housing, evicted, or have their housing assistance terminated because they have experienced domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Additionally, survivors must be able to access certain remedies, such as the ability to request an emergency transfer for safety reasons related to the violence.

If a housing provider or survivor is unclear on VAWA’s protections, they can visit the newly launched webpage, which serves as a clearinghouse for HUD’s VAWA resources. The site features FAQs on VAWA housing protections, VAWA trainings, related forms, and legal authorities, as well as referrals to direct services for survivors.

Capture from the HUD VAWA Website


On March 15, 2022, the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization Act of 2022 (VAWA 2022) was signed into law. It enhances housing protections for survivors applying for and living in units assisted by HUD programs. VAWA 2022 protects an individual’s right to call emergency services and report crime from their homes – meaning that families do not have to fear losing their housing if they need to call 9-1-1. The protections also ensure that individuals do not have to fear retaliation from their housing provider for exercising their rights under VAWA or assisting others in doing so, including filing VAWA complaints.

Pursuant to the law, in the Notice published today, HUD establishes that the Department will implement and enforce VAWA in such way that provides the same rights and remedies as those provided under the Fair Housing Act. Accordingly, HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) may exercise discretion to investigate alleged or suspected non-compliance with VAWA, similar to how it may do so under the Fair Housing Act.

VAWA also requires federal agencies, including HUD, to establish a process to review compliance with the applicable requirements in VAWA. HUD will implement this broader compliance review obligation, as discussed in more detail in the Notice. To the extent possible, HUD will identify existing compliance review procedures that already allow for such reviews, including those currently administered by FHEO.

“FHEO has long worked to eradicate discrimination in housing. With this new authority to enforce the housing provisions of VAWA, FHEO is committed to protecting the rights of VAWA survivors and their families,” said Demetria L. McCain, HUD’s Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity.

Additionally, HUD announced a Notice of Funding Opportunity for the Department’s Community Compass Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Program (NOFO). This NOFO includes up to $5 million that will be awarded to Technical Assistance Providers (TA Providers) that will provide VAWA trainings, technical assistance, and support to housing providers, grantees, and other stakeholders.

“The new website, enforcement notice, and technical assistance funding are critical first steps in helping survivors understand their VAWA rights and housing providers understand their obligations under VAWA,” said Karlo Ng, HUD’s Director on Gender-based Violence Prevention and Equity. “All these components are vital in ensuring that survivors can find and live in safe, stable, and affordable housing.”

Important links:

VAWA website: HERE

VAWA Notice: HERE.

VAWA 2022 applies to both LIHTC and National HTF programs. See below for two HOT webinars on these programs. Click on the image for more information. 



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