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News | HUD Issues NSPIRE Implementation Notice

compliance monitoring hud nspire Jul 03, 2023

An important NSPIRE implementing Notice has been released by HUD. It can be found HERE.

This is the third important implementation element along with the

1) NSPIRE Standards (more HERE) and the

2) NSPIRE Scoring system (HERE with a calculator HERE).

This notice implements portions of the final NSPIRE rule. The final rule establishes a new approach to defining and assessing housing quality called the National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE). The purpose of NSPIRE is to strengthen HUD’s physical condition standards and improve HUD oversight through the alignment and consolidation of the inspection regulations used to evaluate HUD housing, across multiple programs. Implementation of the NSPIRE final rule ensures that residents of HUD housing live in safe, habitable dwellings, and the items and components located inside, outside, and within the units of HUD housing are functionally adequate, operable, and free of health and safety hazards.

This notice covers the process and operational requirements for Public Housing programs
(programs for housing assisted under the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 other than section 8 of the
Act), and Multifamily Housing assistance programs covered by the final rule, prominently the project-based Section 8 program. It also includes Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly, Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities, Section 202 direct loan program, and housing with mortgages insured or held by HUD as listed in 24 CFR 5.701. This notice includes policies and procedures for properties participating in inspections, submitting evidence of deficiency correction, submitting technical reviews, administrative reviews, and other administrative requirements changing with the final NSPIRE rule. In addition, it outlines roles and responsibilities for HUD’s Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC), HUD field office staff, and property representatives from Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) and Property Owners and/or Agents. This notice also references existing requirements for inspectors performing inspections for REAC under contract.

With respect to inspections conducted on and after the effective and/or compliance dates for each program this notice replaces all UPCS guidance previously issued by HUD, including the Compilation Bulletin for RAPID 4.0 Version 3, UPCS Inspector Notices, and other web-based guidance on requesting appeals regarding Exigent Health and Safety reporting, appeals, database corrections, and other UPCS inspection process topics unless otherwise cited by this notice as still in effect.

HUD will issue additional Departmental notices to implement the NSPIRE rule for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV), Project Based Voucher (PBV), and Community Planning Development (CPD) programs included in the NSPIRE final rule before the rules are effective for their programs on October 1, 2023. The CPD programs covered by the NSPIRE rule include HOME, national HTF, ESG, HOPWA, and CoC programs.

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The above topic is just one of many to be discussed at this year's Compliance Summit Events.  



There is a very good chance that the topic of this post is covered in an online on-demand course at Costello University.


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