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News | 2023 HOME, NHTF, and Other HUD-CPD Program Income Limits are Out!

home hud income limits nhtf May 17, 2023
HUD-CPD has released the 2023 income limits for several programs, including HOME, CDBG, HOPWA, HTF, and NSP. They will be effective 06/15/2023.

The HOME income limits are HERE.                The HOME rent limits are HERE.

The National HTF income limits are HERE.     The National HTF rent limits are HERE.

Once they are updated, other program limits, and the HUD CPD Income Calculator, can be found HERE
To receive HUD Exchange Mailing List messages for any updates on income limits and the HOME Program.
Note: HUD Multi-family and MTSP (Tax Credit and Tax-Exempt Bond) limits are not covered by these limits. These limits were released earlier, as announced HERE.

Looking for a great analysis of income limits, HOTMA, and other emerging topics? Check out the Summit Event  HERE!


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