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Article | HOTMA Highlights | The Work Number Verification Preferred?

article hotma hud verifications Oct 10, 2023

Summary Note | The Work Number verification database used by tens of thousands of employers is now considered Upfront Income Verification (UIV), like EIV, and is preferred over other types of 3rd-party verification. 

The Details | In the past, Appendix 3 of the HUD Handbook 4350.3 stated that the Work Number was NOT a form of preferred 3rd-party verification. Now, the HOTMA Implementation Notice, J.5.a. says "It should be noted that the EIV system is available to all PHAs/MFH Owners as a UIV technique and that all PHAs/MFH Owners are required to use EIV in its entirety (see paragraph J.3 on Mandated and Discretionary Use of EIV). PHAs/MFH Owners are encouraged to continue using other non-HUD UIV tools, such as The Work Number (an automated verification system) and state government databases, to verify tenant-reported income."

Excerpt from the Implementation Notice | Table J2


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