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News | The Costello Companies are Officially a Great Place to Work!

news Jan 13, 2022

The Costello Leadership Team, (L-R): Scott Michael Dunn (Policy & Compliance/Owner), Travis Kaffar (Finance), Joan Christopherson (HR), Sarah Hanson (SCHRM), Jim Schaefer (Maintenance), Jeff Brooks (Operations/Owner), and Joan Franken (Managing Member/Owner). 

The Costello Companies have been awarded a Workplace Excellence Award by the Sioux Empire Society for Human Resource Management (SESHRM). SECHRM recognizes three companies each year based on size. The Costello Companies won the award for medium-sized companies of 101 – 500 Employees.

These awards are to acknowledge companies that have made significant strides in employee practices to establish a highly desirable work environment and to recognize the companies for their leadership, culture, and best practices. These companies are family-friendly with a dedicated workforce consistently portraying a strong culture of empowerment and growth.

According to the SESHRM press release:

'The Costello Companies have continued to evolve their culture to ensure their workforce is engaged. They conduct an annual training conference that allows the entire team from a three-state area to come together for an amazing training/team building event. During the annual conference, three employees are recognized for meeting the Costello CORE OPS of Collaboration, Optimism, Respect, Expertise, Ownership, Principles, and Service. The awards include Maintenance Tech of the Year, Property of the Year (recognizes the team of people who have made strides at their property) and the Thomas P. Costello Service Award for the recognized employee’s impact on their community. They offer flexible schedule to their workforce and have a variety of work arrangements such as work from home. Costello Companies have a comprehensive benefit package and added eight hours of volunteer time for their employees a few years ago. The employee can choose where they want to volunteer, and the company will pay up to eight hours each calendar year.  When an employee does something that deserves recognition, a region-wide or company-wide email is sent explaining what they had done and references which CORE OP(s) applies.'

The leadership team and staff of the Costello Companies, including Costello Compliance, are honored to receive this recognition and share with the world what we already know; Costello is a great place to work!

There is a very good chance that the topic of this post is covered in an online on-demand course at Costello University.


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