Three Stages of Coping with Fair Housing Risk

Risks ahead!

  • Civil penalties
  • Lawsuits.
  • Loss of low-income housing tax credits!
  • Loss of licenses
  • Loss of job! Bankruptcy!

Even more importantly, as an engaged housing professional, you want to succeed in providing housing fairly and free of discrimination.

It is a LOT!

Costello University is here to help you succeed!

We empower housing staff through targeted education based on decades of experience designed and delivered by those who actually still do the work every day! 

You need a framework for building an outstanding Fair Housing compliance system that allows you to move ahead with confidence!

With decades of up-to-date experience, we provide that!

Announcing a New Series of Courses

Our course series on Fair Housing will help you to confidently navigate the complexities of the Fair Housing Act.

~ Fair Housing | Fundamentals

~ Fair Housing | Fundamentals for Maintenance Professionals

Learn at your own pace

Check your progress with assessments at each step of the way.

Interactive courses filled with hands-on exercises that will empower you to apply what you learn right away.

You’ll be provided with a toolbox with the resources you’ll need from government websites.

Some features:

✔ Over 4 hours of Video-based lessons with multiple experienced educators, perfect for the YouTube age.

✔ On-screen animations, flowcharts, and other teaching tools.

 Suggested practice sessions to help staff prepare for difficult situations. 

 Knowledge check quizzes with responsive feedback.

✔ Infoboxes built into each video to highlight the key points and facilitate note-taking.

 Links to key government documents and other useful documents.


We don't forget some of our most important housing professionals!

Over 50% of Fair Housing complaints involve maintenance employees or contractors. Yet it is often difficult for them to get to Fair Housing training that meets their specific needs.

We have addressed that problem with an edition adapted to specifically address the needs of Maintenance Professionals!

Special Offer

Do you manage affordable housing? Save $100 with our JUMP START package.

Includes the Qualifying Households course of your choice and Fair Housing Fundamentals.

See the offer on our Store page HERE.