Announcing a NEW "Practical Implementation" Webinar

Does Your Job Involve LIHTC, HOME, or NHTF compliance?

HOTMA Is About to Happen!

We have a new updated cutting-edge 4-hour webinar for you!


As we move swiftly to conclude 2023, the 2024 HOTMA implementation is not that far away!!

  • Do you work for an owner/agent who has to get your hands around how HOTMA will change compliance at your properties?
  • Do you work for a monitoring agency that is working on its HOTMA implementation policy?
  • Are you a syndicator employee who has to assess your partner's HOMTA-related risk?
  • Are you any of the above, and you want an update based on the extensive HUD implementation guidance released a few weeks ago? 

It's a LOT!

Costello University is here to help you succeed!

We empower housing staff through targeted education based on decades of experience designed and delivered by housing professionals who actually do the work every day!

We have hundreds of properties operating successfully right now prepared to make HOTMA changes!

You need a framework for building an outstanding HOTMA compliance system that allows you to move ahead with confidence!

With decades of up-to-date experience, we provide that!


12/04/2023 | 12 PM - 4 PM CDT


You have heard that HOTMA is a top-to-bottom change to how many forms of affordable housing will operate. This includes the LIHTC, HOME, and NHTF programs. How will HOTMA affect how we operate these properties? How can we prepare, and what questions do we need answered to process? Plan to leave better prepared to make the transition to the HOTMA era in 2024!

Updated throughout with new (weeks-old) federal guidance!

History of HOTMA.
Applicability of specific HOTMA provisions to LIHTC, HOME, and NHTF.

 How HOTMA will impact verification procedures.
How income definitions will change.
How asset definitions will change.
Will HOTMA asset limitations apply?
HOTMA and verifications of assets.
Use of other means-tested programs' verifications.
Quick review of other HOTMA provisions that do NOT apply to LIHTC, HOME, or NHTF
"Yet to come" - what questions do state LIHTC agencies need to consider in their policies?
How HOTMA is likely to address LIHTC "best practices."
Downloads of key HUD guidance and other useful documents.



The Presenter

Scott Michael Dunn